
The Ultimate Guide to Reading Journals

The Ultimate Guide to Reading Journals

Are you an avid reader looking to enhance your reading experience?📚 A reading journal might be just what you need! 🤎 Whether you want to remember key details, track your progress, or reflect on your thoughts, get more creative, a reading journal can be the perfect tool to help you! In this blog, we'll explore everything you need to know about starting and maintaining a reading journal.✨

What is a Reading Journal?

A reading journal is a personal journal where you can log all your reading experiences. It’s a space to jot down your thoughts, favourite quotes, character analyses, and so much more. Unlike book reviews, which are typically shared publicly, reading journals are often more private, allowing for more honest and personal reflections. This also allows the reader to be more experimental with different layouts and you can decorate and get creative with your journal!

The Benefits of Keeping a Reading Journal:

I’ve been keeping a reading journal for quite some time now since joining a book club and I can honestly tell you that it really has amazing benefits!!

Enhanced Memory and Understanding

Writing about what you read helps reinforce the material and enhances your understanding of the story and the characters. I find that when I write about what I just read, I end up remembering it more which helps when discussing books in my book club!

(Credit: @raesdailypage)

There are also some quotes I want to remember and certain lessons from a book so I write them down and I remember them better or I can always look back and reread the highlights.

Personal Development

A reading journal provides a space to reflect on how books affect you, challenge your beliefs, or resonate with your experiences. As I mentioned, I love learning from what I read whether it’s a self-help book or a piece of fiction with so many good lessons.

(Credit: @blossomsandbujos)

I like to remember them by writing them out and I like to make a note of what I think about certain topics discussed and the lessons I learnt! In a way, this also helps me with personal development.

Track Your Reading Journey

(Credit: nela)

You can keep track of the books you've read, your favourite quotes, and new vocabulary. This helps you remember them better.

A lot of my favourite words are words I learnt from my favourite books. This helps me become a better conversationalist as well!

Discover Patterns and Preferences

As you keep a reading journal, naturally, you will be able to see patterns in the types of books you enjoy and the themes that interest you.

So if you are new to reading or just want to read more, keeping a reading journal will really help you understand the genres and themes you like and you can explore it more. You can also track the genres that you haven’t explored much in case you end up wanting to explore it more.

(Credit: @mashaplans)

Improve Writing Skills

A reader doesn’t necessarily have to be good at writing but it’s such a good skill to have. Regularly journaling about your reading can enhance your writing and analytical skills so this can really help you if you are in school and have to analyse papers.

For me, I just really enjoy writing and would love to keep improving and I find that reading more helps me widen my vocabulary and also change up my writing style once in a while which is a good challenge.

How to Start a Reading Journal

Starting a reading journal is simple! Here's a step-by-step guide to get you started:

1. Choose Your Journal

First, decide whether you want a physical journal or a digital one. Both have their pros and cons:

Physical Journals

Great for those who love the tactile feel of writing on paper. You can get creative with doodles, sticky notes, and other decorations. I personally prefer physical journals as I just love all things analogue. The same reason why I keep a bullet journal.

(Credit: @mandyjournals)

It’s the perfect way for me to have some time away from the screen and it really is such a therapeutic activity for me.

Digital Journals

Perfect for those who prefer typing or want to include digital media, like screenshots or links. Apps like Notion, Evernote, or even a simple Word document can work well for digital journaling. You can still get creative with this too if you like to do digital doodles and illustrations!

2. Decide What to Include

Your reading journal can include anything you find useful or interesting. Here are some common elements:

  • Book Details: Title, author, genre, publication date, page numbers.
  • Reading Dates: The date you started and finished the book.
  • Summary: A brief overview of the plot.
  • Characters: Notes on main and supporting characters.
  • Themes and Motifs: Recurring ideas or messages in the book.
  • Quotes: Favorite passages or quotes that stood out to you.
  • Personal Reflections: Your thoughts, feelings, and opinions about the book.
  • Ratings and Reviews: A personal rating system and brief review.
  • New Words: Any new vocabulary you encountered.

You can even get more creative and add more things like your favourite villains, favourite scenes, etc. This is for yourself so think about what you would enjoy knowing again when you look back to your pages.

3. Set Up a Consistent Format

Having a consistent format helps in organising your thoughts and makes it easier to revisit your entries later. You might want to create a template with sections for each book or keep it more freeform and flexible.

However, don’t let this stop you from switching up your template if it no longer works for you. Remember that everything is an experiment and you will find what will eventually stick. So keep exploring especially if you are new to book journaling!

4. Make It a Habit

Consistency is key!! Try to write in your journal shortly after reading, while your thoughts are fresh and you can still remember key points about what you read. You don’t need to write extensively; even a few lines can be valuable.

If you also have reading goals like reading a new book each week or reading a chapter everyday, keeping a reading journal can help you stay consistent and keep these habits!

Creative Ideas for Your Reading Journal

(Credit: @celestial.reads.bujo)

To make your reading journal more engaging, consider incorporating some creative elements:

  • Drawings and Doodles: Illustrate scenes, characters, or symbols from the book.
  • Mood Trackers: Record your emotions before and after reading a book.
  • Book Playlists: Create a playlist of songs that remind you of the book.
  • Comparisons: Compare books by the same author or within the same genre.
  • Challenges and Goals: Set reading challenges or goals, like reading a certain number of books per year or exploring new genres.

Tips for Maintaining Your Reading Journal

  1. Don’t Stress About Perfection - Your journal is for you, so don't worry about perfect grammar or writing style.
  2. Be Honest - Write your true thoughts and feelings. There’s no right or wrong way to journal. If a well-loved book is not your cup of tea, your reading journal is a safe space to say that. And if there’s a book that you particularly like that could also be deemed “embarrassing” to like, you can still log it with no worries!
  3. Review and Reflect - Periodically go back and read your previous entries. It can be enlightening to see how your thoughts and tastes have evolved. I also find this really fun because I love to see small changes and notice if any phases or patterns stand out.
  4. Join a Community - Share your experiences with other readers. Online forums, book clubs, bookstagram, or any other social media groups can provide inspiration and support.


A reading journal is a wonderful tool for any book lover. It not only helps you remember and analyse what you've read but also deepens your appreciation for literature. Whether you’re a casual reader or a dedicated bibliophile, starting a reading journal can transform your reading experience. So, grab your favorite pen amd journal and start journaling! Happy reading!

And of course, a budding reading journaler needs somewhere cute and safe to keep all of their supplies! You can find all of the most adorable pencil cases in our pencil case essentials guide!

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